Assembly marks 10th anniversary of devolution referendum

Published 14/09/2007   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Assembly marks 10th anniversary of devolution referendum

The National Assembly for Wales will mark 10 years since the referendum that led to the establishment of the National Assembly for Wales on Tuesday September 18 by asking the public what they think of ten years of devolution. A video booth will be set up at the Senedd where visitors can record their views on the Assembly, its achievements since1997 and what they would like to see in the future. The videos will then be played at the Senedd for other visitors to see. There will also be interactive IT presentations where visitors can learn more about devolution and the development of the Assembly, including the new powers that the Assembly has gained since the election in May 2007 and the roles of the Welsh Assembly Government and the National Assembly for Wales which became two separate bodies at the same time. The Assembly’s Presiding Officer Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas AM said: “The referendum result ten years ago changed Wales forever and has become a momentous occasion in Welsh political history. I am honoured to be presiding over an Assembly that has developed into a primary legislative body ten years on from that event and delighted to be celebrating the anniversary. I look forward to many more anniversary celebrations in the future.”